Neuropathy & Joint Pain Treatments
We leverage our clinical expertise with acoustic wave therapy to treat a number of soft tissue-related conditions such as: carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, patellar tendonitis, neuropathy, and more.
Wave therapy provides relief to the target region by delivering painless bursts of acoustic waves to the tissue. These waves lead to a number of localized healing effects such as increased blood flow,release of growth factors, and reduction of inflammation.
Wave therapy has also been proven to promote axon regeneration, which is hugely beneficial for nerve-related injuries such as those caused by diabetes.

Why wave therapy?

The biggest benefit of wave therapy is that it is completely non-invasive.
This means that you can start feeling better again without having to resort to harmful pills, or painful injections and surgeries.
For effectiveness, the results are clear. Numerous studies show that patients can expect symptom relief that is at least as good as invasive treatments but without the downsides – and in many cases, the outcome is even better.
Can acoustic wave therapy treat my condition?

Wave therapy can be applied to many major soft tissue conditions. We constantly expand our offerings based on the latest peer-reviewed research.
Broadly, we treat the following: neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, patellar tendonitis, carpal tunnel, calf or thigh strain, shin splints, trochanteric hip pain, shoulder pain, lateral and medial epicondylitis, and pseudoartrosis.
Even if your condition isn't listed, we treat each patient as an individual. Call or contact us to schedule a consultation where we can conduct a medical screening to determine whether our treatment would benefit you.